There is a special offer on promo-code in an amount of 5 USD, only for current DirectPhone customers in the period from 2016-02-26 to 2016-03-10
An internal site infrastructure has been updated for system performance optimization.
Now we supply your own SIP-devices (BYOD - Bring Your Own Device).
2015-11-27 Access numbers in Moscow, Russia (Megafon, code 7926) were added
New features have been added: Detailed view financial transactions in users profile.
New features have been added: Google Voice (GV) accounts and GV phone numbers connect to the SIP accounts.
Access numbers in Toronto, ON, Canada - and NY, USA - 1.518.599.1030 were added
Implemented payment services using credit cards VISA, Mastercard through the payment system Stripe, added the ability to buy VoIP adapters, as well as assign any direct DID numbers allocated to the client for SIP accounts as a caller ID.
Direct DID numbers in Moscow, Russia (Megafon, code 7925) were added