Click2call Bot for Slack

DirectPhone represents a new service for corporate clients, with which you can refuse to search for numbers of employees in the phonebook to call them.

Simple and useful service

Click2call Bot is designed to carry out corporate phone calls directly from Slack. Click2call Bot allows you to make a call to any number. At the same time, first the call comes to your phone number specified in the Slack profile, and after the call is accepted by you - to the selected phone number.

Bot has such advantages as:

  • laconic and intuitive interface
  • instantaneous connection with the called subscriber

When you first register with Click2call, $ 3 is credited to your DirectPhone account as a bonus.

How to use the service

Make calls to your team members in one click, or specify any number that you would like to call. If you often call the same number, you don’t need to enter it again every time, because you can just select it from the list of last dialed numbers. The whole process takes seconds, which is an unquestionable advantage of Bot.

An important feature of Bot is simple settings that you do not have to understand. You just need to specify your number, from which you plan to call, in the profile of Slack. All members of your team who have their own phone number in the Slack profile automatically appear in the list of available calls and can also use Bot. Write to Click2call Bot private messages in the Apps section and you will automatically start interacting with Bot.

In addition, Click2call Bot supports the following slash-commands (special commands to which Bot responds in a special way, they just need to write in private messages):

  • /callhelp - help with available Bot commands
  • /balance - show Balance of funds on the DirectPhone account
  • /login - send login/password data to e-mail/phone

Installing the Bot into the Slack is very simple, if you are the Administrator of the Slack workspace, then click "Install Click2call Bot" at the end of this page and select the desired workspace. At the initial setting, the Administrator selects the Bot language and binds the Bot to the account in the DirectPhone system. At the same time, the balance of your account in DirectPhone is considered common for all team members and the balance is also replenished by the Administrator. After you bind Bot to your DirectPhone account, you can freely use the Bot and make calls.

Step-by-step instruction

First, you need to install the application in your WorkSpace. To do this is quite simple, you need to click the INSTALL CLICK2CALL BOT button at the bottom of this page. After that, you need to select your WorkSpace from the list of available ones and click Allow.

In the next step, you need to go to your WorkSpace and find the application in the Recent Apps list.

Next, go to the dialog with the Click2Call application and write him any message to start using it. Click2Call will offer you to choose a language. Select English to continue.

In the next step, you need to register your team with DirectPhone. You need to click the Register button and choose whether you have an account in the DirectPhone system. ATTENTION: the user who performs the initial setup of Click2Call will be the application administrator.


If you are already registered, you need to link your DirectPhone account to the Click2Call application. To do this, you must specify the mail or phone used to log in to DirectPhone. To confirm, you will receive a short code that will need to be entered into a dialog with Click2Call. If everything is done correctly, your account will be successfully linked, and the DirectPhone system will charge you $ 3 as a bonus.

For Click2Call to work correctly, you need all of your WorkSpace contributors to have their personal phone numbers on their Slack profile. Without this, the application will not function correctly. To do this, in the Slack profile settings, click the Edit profile button.

Fill in the Phone number field and click the Save Changes button

After that, go back to the Click2Call app and get started! You can either select one of the members of your team or enter a phone number. In order to re-call the context menu of the application, just write him some message

Call simply and with pleasure!

Install Click2call Bot